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Term Life Insurance Mistakes to Avoid

If you’re buying a condo, you might wonder how condo insurance compares to home insurance. While condo insurance functions similarly to home insurance, it differs from home insurance in some important ways.

The professionals at Creative Risk Management LLC, servicing New Jersey, can provide information about both types of insurance if you have questions. In this article, we’ll review the differences between these two types of insurance. Here’s what you need to know.

Understanding Condo Insurance

Condo insurance is a type of insurance that will pay to repair or replace your belongings if they’re damaged in a covered event. Condo insurance also covers various types of damage to the home’s interior but does not cover damage to the condo’s exterior.

How Does Condo Insurance Differ from Home Insurance?

This is different from home insurance because home insurance covers damage to both the structure and belongings. Both types of insurance typically offer loss of use coverage to pay for your living accommodations if you need to move out while your home is being rebuilt.

Is Condo Insurance Required?

Condo insurance is usually required for people with a home loan. If you are getting a mortgage to pay for your condo, ask your lender if it is required.

In addition, your condo association may require you to have home insurance. Check your agreement with your condo association to determine if you need condo insurance.

Contact Creative Risk Management LLC for Condo Insurance

If you have questions or need a condo insurance policy, Creative Risk Management LLC, servicing New Jersey, can help you get condo insurance. Call today to speak with one of our insurance professionals.

Can I Get Auto Insurance if My License is Suspended?

About Suspended Licenses and Auto Insurance

Certain situations in Southeast Michigan can result in a driver’s license suspension. This can create problems, especially if the person needs access to a vehicle to get to and from work, take children to school, go to medical appointments, or engage in any other activity requiring driving. If you have a suspended license, contact our team at Atlas Insurance Agency to find out if you are eligible for auto insurance.

How to Get Auto Insurance

In Michigan, it is possible to purchase an insurance policy to cover your vehicle, but there are stipulations.

While the state’s Essential Insurance Act no longer allows a person’s driver’s license to be suspended due to issues unrelated to driving, several reasons may affect whether you can obtain auto insurance. These reasons include:

  • Your suspended license may put you in the high-risk category, which could result in being denied coverage.
  • Your driving record notes risky driving behavior and/or accidents.
  • The reason/severity of the suspension.
  • Fraudulent activity towards an insurance company.

There are several things you will need in order to get auto insurance. These include:

  • You are a Michigan resident.
  • You have a Michigan driver’s license, or you have a registered vehicle in the state.
  • You may be required to get a restricted license before the state reinstates driving privileges.
  • A certificate of financial responsibility, also called an SR-22 form, may be required to prove you have auto liability insurance.

Call Our Office

Have all of your questions answered about the possibility of driving time in Southeast Michigan even when you have a suspended license. To find out what is and is not allowed and how we can help get you insured, contact our agents at Atlas Insurance Agency.

What is Commercial Cyber Insurance and Why Do You Need It?

If your Southeast Michigan business stores sensitive information on a business computer or the internet, commercial cyber insurance is crucial to protect your company from the repercussions of a cyberattack. Over 90% of organizations experienced at least two identity-related breaches in 2023, and experts predict the number of attacks will continue to rise yearly. A single attack can devastate your company if you lack the necessary compensation to cover the cost of dealing with the aftermath.

What Does Commercial Cyber Insurance Cover?

Commercial cyber insurance, also known as cybersecurity insurance, offers several policy options. First-party coverage covers the costs of a system hack. These costs include lost revenue, ransomware attack payments, customer notification about the breach, breach investigation, and preventive measures for future incidents. Third-party coverage, or cyber liability coverage, covers the legal costs of a customer or business partner whose information was exposed by the breach and who decides to sue for damages.

Tech errors and omissions insurance is specialized coverage designed for companies that provide IT services and products. It covers legal costs if you or one of your employees makes a mistake that causes a third party to experience a data breach. Such mistakes can include errors in software you create or mistakes made when managing a company’s IT system.

Contact Atlas Insurance Agency for More Information

Atlas Insurance Agency serves Southeast Michigan business owners from all industries. We offer a range of commercial insurance options and customized policies to meet specific needs. Contact us to learn more about cyber insurance or to get a policy quote.

Home Insurance – Coverage for Detached Structures

Each detached structure on your residential property can be added to your home insurance policy. Conduct an assessment of your property, then choose home insurance products that will secure your property.

Detached Structures

  • Primary residence
  • Accessory dwelling unit (ADU)
  • Shed
  • Garage
  • Workshop

The list above includes some detached structures that may be located on your residential land. Each structure should be considered and insured separately. Each structure can be listed on your home insurance policy.

Usage and Contents

Consider how you use each detached structure. A structure that is used daily may be more valuable to you than one that is used occasionally. Also, assess the contents of each structure.

Determine the overall value of the items stored within each detached structure. Items of value that are at risk of being stolen or damaged by a natural disaster should be added to your home insurance policy.

Track the items you wish to add to your policy. Record information about each item’s location, including specifics about which detached structure it is kept in.

Risk Factors

Are you prepared for a break-in, a flood, or another incident that could result in damage to a detached structure or the items stored within? If not, now is the time to consider the likelihood of such an event.

Your home insurance policy can include coverage for incidents you cannot control. The coverage will pay to repair or replace items stored within each structure.

Contact an Insurance Agent in Southeast Michigan

Contact one of our Atlas Insurance Agency representatives. They will be happy to discuss the home insurance coverage you are seeking.

Recreation Insurance vs Car Insurance: What’s the Difference?

If you’re a recreational vehicle owner, you’ll likely need to get it insured. Your standard car insurance policy won’t cover vehicles that fall under this category. Instead, you will need to get specific recreational insurance to cover your vehicle. While this may sound confusing, our agents at Atlas Insurance Agency in Southeast Michigan are here to help. Below, we’ll explain the differences and when you’ll need recreational insurance instead of car insurance.

Car Insurance vs. Recreational Insurance

Car insurance is designed to cover a vehicle in the event of an accident. These policies often include liability, collision, comprehensive, and uninsured/underinsured coverage. However, they are generally used for commuting vehicles, not recreational ones.

Recreational vehicles include specialized vehicles such as RVs, campers, boats, motorcycles, and more. The policies for these vehicles are a bit different, as they are designed to cover more elements than your standard car insurance policy. They often include liability, collision and comprehensive, personal effects, emergency roadside assistance, and more.

Is Recreational Insurance Required?

The laws vary from state to state, but Michigan requires all recreational vehicles to be insured. Generally, any RV over 10,000 pounds in gross weight will need to be insured. Any boats with over 25 horsepower will also need recreational insurance coverage.

However, coverage needs may vary depending on your recreational vehicle type. Some may require more or less coverage, while others may need very specific policies. Therefore, it’s important to discuss your options with a professional.

How We Can Help

The team at Atlas Insurance Agency in Southeast Michigan understands that selecting the right policy can be confusing. If you’re unsure whether you need recreational insurance for your vehicle, contact our offices today. We’ll help you explore your options and guide you to a plan that fits your needs.

Umbrella Insurance Basics and Why Southeast Michigan Residents Should Consider It

Umbrella Insurance: Optimal Protection for Your Investments in Southeast Michigan

As a resident of Southeast Michigan, you could be a vehicle hobbyist, a boat owner, a renter, or a homeowner. With sprawling landscapes to explore and a mix of urban and rural areas to appreciate, ensuring that your home, vehicles, and other investments are always protected is essential. Gaining an understanding of umbrella insurance basics and acknowledging its potential benefits will help you determine which comprehensive insurance plan or policy from Atlas Insurance Agency best suits you.

Why Consider Umbrella Insurance in Southeast Michigan?

An umbrella insurance policy is valuable for several reasons:

An Affordable Investment

Umbrella insurance shields you from potential liability lawsuits, legal costs, and personal injury claims. It is often more affordable compared to investing in individual policies separately.

Protection from High-Risk Scenarios

Another advantage of umbrella insurance is that it provides coverage against high-risk scenarios. Whether it’s property damage, personal injury claims, auto accidents, or unpredictable weather conditions, umbrella insurance ensures peace of mind when you need financial assistance and protection.

Coverage for Legal Costs

Whenever a legal incident or claim arises – such as a road accident or an injury incurred on your property – umbrella insurance can offer the extra coverage you need, but standard insurance policies don’t provide that.

For residents of Southeast Michigan, umbrella insurance should be seriously considered if you’re worried about the level of protection and coverage you receive from individual insurance providers. By understanding umbrella insurance’s basics and its benefits, you can find a comprehensive policy that protects against all unexpected financial and legal risks. Contact Atlas Insurance Agency directly today to get more information about umbrella insurance options in Southeast Michigan.

Three Factors to Consider When Purchasing Life Insurance

Life insurance is an important component of financial planning, even though many tend to overlook it. Our team at Atlas Insurance Agency, serving Southeast Michigan, is dedicated to informing our customers properly so they can make informed insurance decisions. Here are three key factors to consider when purchasing life insurance.


Life insurance is primarily for the benefit of those who depend on you. This includes your spouse, children, or any dependent adult. What kind of financial provision would you want for these individuals in the event of your death? Do you wish to cover your final expenses or provide a substantial amount to aid these individuals in achieving financial goals? These are critical questions that need to be addressed.


It’s important to consider your current budget because a life insurance policy requires premium payments. It would be wise to select a payment plan that sits comfortably within your budget. Various types of plans come with different premium amounts.

Type of Coverage

There’s a wide array of life insurance types to choose from. If you’re unfamiliar with them, consider choosing a time to discuss it with an insurance representative. These professionals can guide you through the various options available to you.

To learn more, please contact us at Atlas Insurance Agency, serving Southeast Michigan. We offer a range of insurance products to help secure you and your family. We’re more than happy to assist you with your insurance needs today.

Explaining Non-Owner Auto Insurance: Do You Need It?

Non-owner auto insurance, a flexible liability coverage, is tailored for individuals who occasionally drive in Southeast Michigan but do not own a vehicle.

What is Non-Owner Auto Insurance?

This auto insurance, designed for those who do not own a car but may need to drive someone else’s vehicle, offers a sense of security. Non-owner auto insurance covers the property and bodily injury you might cause in an accident in someone else’s car, providing peace of mind to the driver and the original owner. It strictly offers liability protection, ensuring you are covered in case of an accident and there is nothing else for you or your borrowed vehicle.

Who Needs Non-Owner Auto Insurance?

Non-owner auto insurance is ideal for several groups of people:

  • Frequent Renters: If you regularly rent cars, non-owner insurance can provide liability coverage, potentially at a lower cost than the insurance offered by rental companies.
  • Borrowed Vehicles: If you often borrow cars from friends or family members, having non-owner insurance ensures you are covered in case of an accident.
  • Those Between Vehicles: If you have sold your car and are waiting to purchase a new one, maintaining non-owner insurance can prevent a gap in your auto insurance history, which could help you avoid higher premiums.
  • High-Risk Drivers: Non-owner insurance fulfills this requirement for drivers required to file an SR-22 or FR-44 (proof of financial responsibility) but do not own a car.

Limitations of Non-Owner Auto Insurance

While non-owner auto insurance provides liability coverage, comp, and collision are omitted. Additionally, it does not cover personal injuries, rental reimbursement, or towing.

Atlas Insurance Agency Is There For You

Atlas Insurance Agency is here for you when you need insurance information. Our services are available at the Southeast Michigan locations. Call today.

What Commercial Insurance Does for Your Business

Operating a business requires many specific considerations, including the best way to protect it. If you’re in the Southeast Michigan area and looking for a commercial insurance policy, contacting us at Atlas Insurance Agency is a great way to get the knowledge and support you want. We can help you get the right policy and protect your business so you’ll feel confident you have what you need for success.

Commercial policies are designed to protect the biggest aspects of your business, allowing you to operate with confidence no matter what else is happening around you. There’s no reason to settle for anything less or put your business at risk when you can get the type and level of coverage you need. Working with our dedicated agents will help you get quotes from multiple insurers to select the policy that meets your needs and answers your questions.

The goal is to protect your company from loss due to a natural disaster or an artificial issue. Depending on whether you own or rent your building, how many employees you have, whether customers come to your location, and what kinds of equipment and inventory you have, different commercial policies can be right for you. Our insurance professionals will help you find the right one and increase your peace of mind.

Contact us at Atlas Insurance Agency today if you’re in the Southeast Michigan area and need a commercial insurance policy. We’re here to help and will get you the answers and information you’re looking for. Then, you can make the best decision for your specific needs and focus on protecting and growing your business.

Is My College Student’s Apartment Covered by My Home Insurance Policy?

Your insurance policies generally cover your children while you claim them as dependents, and they are less than 27 years old. Your home insurance policy generally covers the property of a college student, but several additional limitations come into play, which are discussed below. If you need answers concerning your home or other insurance coverage, contact our Atlas Insurance Agency team serving Southeast Michigan.

Limits on Home Insurance Coverage of College Students

Home insurance policies generally cover your dependent child’s property while they are at college. Their computer, bicycle, and other personal belongings are covered against theft, vandalized, or other covered peril, as is their personal liability if they injure someone or damage property. However, most insurers only cover losses if the student lives on campus, and they may not cover a student living in a fraternity, sorority, or other housing that is not university-controlled.

Other issues limiting the coverage of college students include:

  • They generally must be full-time students, and some insurers set their age limits lower at 24 or 25.
  • Insurers often set relatively low limits on electronics, jewelry, and selected other items.
  • Many insurers limit coverage of "off-premise" property to 10% of your personal property limit.
  • The coverage of their belongings is subject to your standard deductible.

For college students, particularly those living off campus, it’s essential to consider the added protection of renters insurance. This type of insurance is often affordable and offers comparable coverage to what they would receive under a parent’s home policy.

Insuring with Atlas Insurance Agency

Atlas Insurance Agency serves Southeast Michigan and looks forward to helping develop an insurance plan that meets your needs. Visit our office or call us today at 248-545-7500 to protect your family and its possessions.